Maksym Deomin
Drummer, educator, and author, Maksym Deomin has performed and recorded with many Jazz, Rock, and Pop artists such as the BC World Project and the Sheraton Cadwell Orchestra, and his travels have taken him to Italy, Germany, Canada, and the U.S. Maksym studied with R.M. Glier of Kyiv State University, music professor Vitaliy Machulin, and is a longtime student of Global Drumming Ambassador Dom Famularo. He has shared the stage with world class drummers and percussionists such a Dom Famularo, Kiko Freitas, Pete Lockett, Homero Chavez, and Sam Ruttenberg. Maksym and Sam Ruttenberg also present drum workshops that bring natural motions and informal training, together with the basics and formal study to create the balance needed for today's Rock and Jazz drummers. Maksym and Sam will be presenting these workshops at the 9Beats Drum Schools in China this year. Maksym’s interactive method book “The Paradiddle Book” was published by Hudson Music in 2019, and has reached one of the top 5 method books in Modern Drummer Magazine’s 2020 reader’s poll. His education program “Brain Development Program for Children” is an in-demand program in the Montessori and other private schools. Through his clinics, masterclasses, private lessons, and internet video lessons, Maksym's school is now serving over 700 students globally. Maksym is an innovator and author of drum techniques and concepts such as “Gravity for Drummers”, "Back Half Moeller Stroke" and "Side Half Moeller Stroke". Maksym proudly endorses Yamaha drums, Sabian cymbals, Promark drumsticks, Evans drumheads, and Sky Gel damper pads. He is also a 9Beats (China) Drum School artist, as well as a member of the D'addario Education Collective and Sabian Education Network.
Websites: https://www.facebook.com/maksym.deomin / maksymdeomin.com / encyclopediaofrhythm.com